Spiral Dynamics - Stage Blue


Word count:15588

[Music] you welcome to the beginning of this multi-part series about spiral dynamics this is gonna be at least six parts and I want to focus each part on every single stage of the spiral dynamics model so we're gonna have a part on blue that's what we have today we're gonna have an episode on orange on green on yellow on turquoise and finally towards the end we're gonna have an episode about red the reason I'm leaving red towards the end is because it's less relevant to you guys to most people because most people aren't evolved beyond red and if you're wondering why I'm not covering beige and purple which come before red the reason I'm not covering those stages is because those are very rudimentary and primitive and I don't think it's gonna be worth your time to to have entire episodes about those but as far as blue orange green yellow and turquoise it is worth your time to have episodes about these now you might wonder ilio you talked about spiral dynamics in the past in fact I have a whole 90-minute episode called the ultimate model of human development or human consciousness I forget exactly how I titled it you can search for that on youtube or on my website and that's a great episode it covers the entire spiral all these stages it tells you everything about them but still there's only so much we can cram into ninety minutes and I went back and I started just to study spiral dynamics this model for my own benefit for myself taking a lot of notes on it and I saw just how much richness and depth and value there is here by studying this model my understanding of mankind civilization politics has has just become extraordinary it's so easy to see all the problems that are happening all around the world and also within myself and where I fit within the spiral so that's been very valuable so I felt like it would be a good idea to help you to extract that kind of value out of this model because I think that most people still don't really see the power of spiral dynamics what is spiral dynamics I might sound complicated and it sort of is but also it's not that complicated spiral dynamics is a model developed by dawn Beck and Christopher Cohen based on the work of a professor by the name of graves and he developed a psychological model with these different colored stages which represent the evolution of human consciousness both individually and collectively across all of human history and it ends up being a pretty damn accurate model now of course it's just a model it's not perfect it doesn't fit everything that happens in the world and it doesn't account for every single thing that happens in your life it's a model but as far as models go it's you'll be shocked you'll be shocked at how accurate and useful this model can be so just in a brief nutshell what spiral dynamics is telling us is that there are these discrete stages that the human mind passes through and because our civilizations and our societies are developed out of individual human minds that's how they come about where is society taking place but inside the human mind if you think about it what structures society what governs politics what governs culture and religion and science and innovation all this stuff it's ultimately the values and the worldview that is inside of individual minds and because humans are very hive like be like ant like creatures we develop these complicated societies but really they're not as complicated as we think a society tends to be at a certain level of psychological and spiritual development and so that's what this model tracks that's extremely useful because guess what you are part and parcel of your society and your culture and your religion and your science and whatever other stuff you buy into and believe in media entertainment education all of this what is all of this is as part of society you have been programmed with whatever is the predominant set of values and worldviews that your society in stay and age has you see so wouldn't it be useful to understand how this develops and evolves over time not just in your society but all around the world across all sorts of societies going back thousands of years so that you can see where you fit into the bigger picture and also you can see where you're stuck and where you need to go and you can also see why other people are stuck at lower levels of development and you can see what their problems are and if you want you can help them to evolve as well that might be very useful you see so this model is both useful individually for your own self-actualization and spiritual development but it's also perhaps even more useful collectively to understand what the hell is going on in the world we have a lot of crazy stuff happening in our politics these days crazy stuff happening with with with religion and spirituality and economics and culture Wars all of this sort of stuff how do you make sense of it there's so much confusion these days and people are just so unconscious about it and they just bicker back and forth and fight with each other talk across each other don't understand each other and then what you have is you have this sort of polarization and nothing really works and everybody sort of agitated and bitter at somebody and they don't see the bigger picture with this bigger picture you're gonna understand everything you're gonna be shocked at how much you understand so what Spile dynamics really is is it's it's these stages the first stage is beige then purple then red blue orange green yellow and turquoise each of these colors these colors are just arbitrary they don't really mean anything per se other than just as a label for a set of values so well spiral dynamics tells us is that you are at one of these stages and you must move to the next highest stage without really skipping over anything and so you've got to move so if you're at red then you got to go to blue then you're gonna go to orange then to green then to yellow then turquoise now most people usually after they become adults they get stuck at one of these stages forever in their life because they don't understand that this model exists they don't have enough perspective to see that there's something higher that they can evolve to and there's also all sorts of traps that come with navigating this spiral all sorts of obstacles to the ego from moving up to the next stage and so we'll be talking of course about those to help you to to get higher so fundamentally what spa dynamics is is its its its modeling sets of values and cultural memes which govern your life individually and collectively why is spiral dynamics important well I think I already answered that because it gives you a roadmap to see where you need to go what's preventing you from getting there and it helps you to understand and to tolerate the ignorant and lack of development of people below you on the spiral and that becomes very important because otherwise you're gonna get stuck criticizing those people who are less evolved than you but you yourself are gonna be wasting time because while you're criticizing others you're not evolving yourself what we're gonna cover in these episodes each episode is going to focus on a particular color or stage so this one is going to be about stage blue the next one's gonna be about stage orange and so forth in each episode we're gonna cover the same sorts of topics we're going to talk about the set of values that define this stage we're going to talk about a long list of characteristics that define this stage so you got a real good sense of what the essence of this stage is we're gonna talk about when the stage emerges wide emergence what are the forces that cause it to emerge and then what are the forces that cause it to to dissipate and ultimately die off and evolve into the next stage so there's a set of circumstances that causes blue to come forward it has utility then that utility is exhausted it sort of peak and then it starts to die off but then the next stage comes and evolves we're gonna also cover tons of examples dozens maybe even hundreds of examples that I've compiled I spent a lot of time compiling examples of each stage which are going to be very useful for you because it's through these examples that you really understand what these stages are and it's also gonna explain a lot of stuff in the world that you probably don't presently understand or that you misunderstand we're gonna talk about trigger points what triggers each stage and there's a specific set of lists of items that trigger each day that spent a lot of time thinking about what the trigger points are and perhaps most importantly were gonna talk about what it takes to transcend each particular stage and I spent a lot of time compiling lists and brainstorming ways what are the specific techniques and methods you could use to actually transcend stage blue into orange and then orange into into green and the green to yellow and so forth so that's going to be like the the application of spiral dynamics in your life now I want to make sure to give credit here to the originators of this model because certainly a lot of the ideas that'll be sharing here I ripped out of books just straight out of their books I ripped out of their websites I ripped out of their their graphs and their and their their charts so credit goes to clare graves dawn Beck Christopher Colin and this website that I relied heavily on called spiral dynamics integral dot and L for Netherlands now let's move into talking about stage blue what is the essence of stage blue if you want to give it a title we could call it absolutist conformist rule and the rise of civilization blue is absolute belief in one right way and obedience to authority which was the driving force behind the right of the rise of civilizations if you think back to ancient Mesopotamia ancient Egypt ancient Greece ancient Rome what was going on there in world history and of course we shouldn't forget the east you know the rise of of ancient China with the the empires there and the rise of empires in India right and then even in the Middle East a little bit later you had the rise of empires so what was going on there before mankind was living well very long before in small tribes but that nice tribe started to accumulate and they started to become bigger and that was the development of stage red stage red is a very sort of totalitarian high sort of like tribal like alpha male leader of the Wolfpack sort of style of government and social organization so that of course has its limitations and problems which lead to the rise of blue because you can't really build a large well-functioning civilization like the Roman Empire just purely based upon one tribal leader dominating everybody see to have the rise of civilizations you need to develop a set of organizing principles for that society people have to be under the same sort of programming mental programming so that they're all on board with the same sort of purpose and they all have to conform to a certain set of rules and laws so really civilization is all about taking a tribe of barbarians and then giving them a bunch of laws and codes which are enforced by police and legal system court system all the sorts of stuff so now you're developing a well-functioning bureaucratic civilization so it's highly bureaucratic and of course to do this what you need is you need the development of writing which is what led to the to the rise of these giant civilizations you couldn't do that before you had writing because you need to keep accounts you need to take taxes you need to keep Ledger's and and you need to you need to be able to write down names of all your bureaucrats and you need to have a postal system you need to have roads interconnecting uh so you're you're basically creating a rudimentary network it was sort of the rise of the Internet the early internet that allowed these civilizations to develop and now that wasn't that wasn't our internet that was the Internet of 2000 years ago through writing and through these networks of of roads and trade routes and and laws and all the institutions that enforce those stage Bleu relies very heavily on belief in some sort of higher authority a God and this God is usually a father figure a stern father figure who lays down the rule of law and if you cross him he will punish you he's not a forgiving lenient God he is like that hard-ass dad stepdad who will beat you if you do something even a little bit wrong it's like that that's the essence of blue now as I'm going to be telling you all sorts of lists and characteristics and values I want you to be careful about judging this stage try to look at every stage we'll be talking about as objectively as possible without saying oh this is bad and evil and this this one is good it's not about good and evil it's about just what is necessary for humans to survive so be careful about these judgments you might say oh well I don't believe in God and so this stage is false or you might say Oh leo but these civilizations they were so cruel and they had slavery and all this and that means that they were bad no don't make these judgments yes that's technically true but we'll get to that we'll talk about the dot the downsides of of these stages at the very end another s essential feature of stage Bleu is that it's collectivist and individualistic so every stage on the spiral is even is either gonna lean more collectivist or more individualistic the collectivist stages are going to emphasize sacrificing of the self for some higher cause or organization or in this case the civilization whereas the individualistic leaning colors and stages here they're going to emphasize more the development of the self rather than the collective and the group so what happens is that each stage sort of alternates where you have blue which is collectivist then it shifts to orange which is more individualistic than orange shifts back to green which is more collectivist and then that shows back to yellow which is more individualistic and so on it goes so it's a sort of oscillating swinging back and forth pendulum kind of deal but the essence of blue is that you're sacrificing yourself for your particular civilization in the hopes of getting a deferred reward oftentimes in the afterlife so there's a strong emphasis on religion and the afterlife now let's give you a list of all the values of stage blue and this don't underestimate the power of this list these key words that I'm about to give you if you if you take a stage blue person and you talk at him with these key words you are gonna become his best friend you are gonna resonate with all the deepest stuff that he believes believes and that's what values are all about that's why values are so important and each stage has its own unique set of values so if you have a sneaky manipulative politician he could literally take all the key words in this list and go with a bullhorn to a rally a political rally and say these key words and if the key words are properly aligned with the members of his audience let's say the members of his audience are stage blue then he will win their undying support because he will tell them precisely what they believe in and what they want to hear and of course this can be a very dangerous thing because it creates a sort of echo chamber because people aren't looking for a new set of values most people are just blindly looking to reinforce their existing set of values without thinking in an objective manner about the limitations of their existing set of values so here we go and before I even tell you that one more one more comment I don't know what stage you're at most of you who are watching videos for me just to even watch my videos you already have to be probably at stage at least a high orange green maybe yellow a stage blue person probably isn't watching one of my videos so when you hear these words they may not resonate with you these these value key words but when I talk about your stage so if your as stage yellow and I'm gonna be talking about stage yellow in the next two episodes all the key words I'm gonna say they're gonna completely resonate with you and you're gonna be saying like yes yes yes this is Leo that's perfect that's exactly what's what's right that's exactly what we should be doing in the world so I want you to notice that and if you are at stage blue then everything I'm about to say is gonna resonate with you completely but on the other hand if you're not at stage blue if you're at stage yellow a lot of the things I'm gonna say right now are not gonna resonate with you at all and it's not gonna make much sense to you you have to get good at being able to look at the world from the perspective of the stage that we're talking about and not from your perspective that's very important to be able to jump between perspectives and that's actually not an ability that you develop very well until you're all the way at stage yellow which is why it's so challenging to to address these issues at the lower stages so anyways here's the list of blue values absolute truth and ideology these things are important to stage blue people they believe in an absolute truth it's unquestionable they have complete faith in this blind faith and for them the word ideology is not a dirty word that's their whole life is is grounded within ideology that's a good thing because they believe their ideology is right there's no doubt that their ideology could be mistaken there's no room for other ideologies there is only one ideology my ideology and it's the correct ideology how else could it be belief faith and certainty are another set of values there's a sense of clear right and wrong four-stage blue stage blue values hardwork discipline and duty they also value law and order those are some key words for you they value justice because justice goes hand in hand with the enforcement of the rules of my civilization and see stage blue is not about civilization in the abstract they don't just want to civilize the whole world they want their civilization my civilization is the only right civilization and if you disobey my civilization you deserve punishment you're a sinner they value hierarchy social order and the status quo there's no need to innovate or to be progressive this is a dirty word for someone who's at stage blue the status quo our traditions the way it's been for for hundreds of years the way our ancestors did it that's the way we got to do it and that's the way our children got to do it why reinvent the wheel when it already worked so well that's how they think stage blue values patriarchy women are there to serve men men are the enforcers they do all the work and women get the benefits of that and they raise the children and women are never allowed to be priests or rabbis they're never really given any power they're not on the same footing as men and that's not a problem that's not bad that is the hierarchy that's what keeps our civilization running if we take this away our entire civilization is going to collapse that's how stage Bleu meaning and greater purpose our values for stage blue blues greater purpose is not selfish it's not to advance himself and to earn millions of dollars it's to be a good citizen it's to follow the rules it's to be a good Christian or a good Muslim or a good Hindu it's to raise his family or it's to be a good wife and ultimately it's to serve the Lord serve God that's what it's all about that's the purpose of civilization that's the purpose of individual lives morality is huge for stage blue these are the moralists they have a strong sense of morality a strong sense of right and wrong and if anyone breaks this morality they deserve justice because they're a sinner and of course my morality is the only right morality morality is not some relativistic cultural norm morality is absolute God laid down the Ten Commandments or Allah and Muhammad laid down the rules and we got to follow those rules to the tee and the better I can follow those rules the better citizen I am the better human I am the better my rewards will be in the afterlife stage blue values very highly culture tradition and heritage these are sacred to them so they are very sensitive to being attacked on cultural grounds they don't want culture to change culture is good in fact we need to defend our culture preserve our heritage against the heretics stage blue values crusading for a righteous cause stage blue values serving God stage blue values theology and doctrine orthodoxy Dogma and conformity these are not bad words these are all good because when you believe in in an absolute truth and you think you have the absolute truth and that the absolute truth has been written down in a book because that's what stage Bleu believes it's been written down in a book then conforming to the absolute truth is is the best way to live your life why would you do at any deviations from the absolute truth as written down in scriptures is is corruption and failure staged blue values family very highly these are the people on TV you see who talk about Family Values they also value obedience and reverence respect for your elders they value God and country patriotism these are the red-blooded Patriots our country is the best country and there's no question about that it's always been the best it will always be the best and that's why I've got to defend it because it's the best they value also righteous living you live your life according to principles you have a strong moral code of conduct you have a sense of honor and you don't why your honor besmirched your reputation is important to you your reputation within your community such people value good manners decency and etiquette proper dress maybe uniforms or maybe certain hairstyles hair regulations they find profanity offensive and they're sensitive to blasphemy don't speak down to Authority don't speak down to God he is your authority you need to submit to him blue values prayer you pray to God for the things that you need Blue has a pride in one civilization that's what makes them a patriot blue values canonical texts like the Bible the Quran the Torah the Gita the Constitution the Upanishads the Vedas these are the founding documents of that culture and that civilization and blue believes that you can write down the absolute truth in a book you can memorize it as a prayer or you can memorize it as an oath pledges and allegiances are important to blue ritual and ceremony are important to blue Blue is very eager to obey Authority so whether it's the Pope or Mohammed or Allah or the Christian God or Christ or the Buddha or Confucius or the Emperor there is some authority figure who has defined rule or like the Pharaohs for example would be would be perfect examples the authority oftentimes isn't merely just an authority he has divine status he's a divine monarch and he's treated like God because God bestowed him with powers to run this civilization blue values the afterlife heaven hell and salvation these things are very real to blue these aren't just ideas these aren't just myths this is their reality this life is really just serving your afterlife blue also values strict church attendance every Sunday or whichever day of the week values ceremony and ritual values sobriety chastity anal self-control and the restraint of passion you see because what gets in the way of of this well-functioning well-oiled civilization machine that blue is constructing it's the passions and the emotions it's letting your ego become wild it's letting sex run free none of this stuff is allowed so we have to practice very stern self control even though we have these these emotions and passions within us we have to suppress them we have to suppress our sexual urges blue values charity giving back to his community blue values loyalty and he hates traitors because a traitor is someone who is betraying the absolute truth and the building of this grand civilization blue values borders borders with their neighbours and blue values building moral fiber and character character is important integrity is important to blue so when does blue emerge blue emerges from red like I said it emerges from red when the limitations of red become too obvious what are the limitations of red red is very egocentric selfish and impulsive and it lacks discipline and it lacks hierarchy and structure so of course there's only so much of a civilization or society you can build with this sort of impulsive lack of disciplined approach it doesn't work at a large scale with tens of thousands of people so then blue comes in and reacts against that and says ok we got it now get really disciplined we got to control our passions we can't just be selfish we have to sacrifice for our civilization and so structure structures are put in place to to enforce this discipline rules and laws are laid down also in red you have abuse of personal power which need to be put in check in order for a civilization to run you can't just have a bloodthirsty dictator running a big civilization it actually doesn't work so your leaders even though they can be monarchs they can't just be complete ruthless thugs they can't just be a Caligula type of person because you need discipline and so what blue values is not just a monarchical leader but it's sort of like the epitome of a good monarch in blues eyes would be someone who has perfect self-control perfect restraint and control over his passions who's like very anal very retentive type of person not not overly give it into his cravings and and lust for sex and for food and all this but someone who's just like very straight-laced like you would imagine the perfect bureaucrat that would be their ultimate ideal for who should run the civilization also blue emerges because with red red is so selfish that it has no higher purpose mmm red doesn't submit to any God but blue now develops a belief in a monotheistic God usually mm-hmm and from that is derived all the higher meaning and purpose of life also the limitations of red become very obvious with war and violence so with red comes chaos comes warlords lawlessness and just thievery rape and pillage so blue is not about any of that blue is is reacting against that with all this discipline all this hierarchy he wants civilization so that's when blue emerges now the thing with blue is that if you are born into a strongly blue civilization then you are not going to notice blue emerging you're gonna be just indoctrinated into blue because blue is all about the one absolute right truth and doctrine and scripture so you're just gonna be indoctrinated into blue values from birth so much that is gonna be a complete brainwashing you're not gonna know that you're within blue you're not gonna know or feel that you've been indoctrinated it's just gonna be the truth this is going to be your reality and most likely it will be until you die that's if you're in a very strongly blue civilization now of course there's degrees of blueness it starts off with how you might imagine maybe medieval Europe was a thousand years ago you know very very strongly blue but then the blue it starts to grow more and more into orange and orange is more individualistic it's more materialistic so if you're gonna have gradations of it we're at first so you're really indoctrinated into blue but then the indoctrination you start to see the limits of indoctrination it starts to crumble and dissolve a little bit then once you get into orange there's not so much of a strong indoctrination although orange has its own version of indoctrination but so it kind of depends what society you're in certain societies are very strongly blue other societies are sort of half blue half orange other societies are all orange very little blue so it's going to depend but if you're in a strongly blue society watch out for that a doctrine ation it's gonna get you alright let's talk about now some of the characteristics of blue four blue life has meaning direction and purpose with predetermined outcomes if you do these things you will get these results and if you do these other things you will get these other results blue is always searching for order security and stability blue is organizing managing trying to be concrete and develop structures blue is dedicated responsible and meticulous attention to detail the perfect bureaucrat blue is trustworthy predictable and loyal he is engaged in righteous stable living obedience is enforced through a sense of duty and guilt guilt is very big for blue impulsivity is controlled through guilt so why do you not have sex because you're gonna feel guilty afterwards because you know that you've sinned why you're not gonna go out and party because again that goes against the Scriptures the strict scriptures of the Lord and then you're gonna feel guilty because you think you're a sinner because you've been programmed with this condition with this with this belief that if you don't obey the rules then you're a sinner and you're evil and you're bad blue is engaged in purging of impure thoughts because of course blue has lots of impure thoughts he's tempted by the devil but he knows that the devil must be resisted to blue the devil is not a metaphorical symbol to blue the devil is real the devil is tempting him to stray from the path of God and so blue tries really hard to resist the devil and that's usually all his emotions and passions and temptations that's why he's so anal and strict and disciplinarian the blue is all about surrendering worldly pleasures for a higher calling for the afterlife - blue everybody has their proper place and civilization there's often caste systems within blue societies and you do not question the caste system the caste system is not a problem the caste system is good that is the hierarchy and we are here to defend the hierarchy we're not here to reinvent the hierarchy and make life better for other people that's not what blue cares about - blue the hierarchy has been handed down by God it's our tradition our heritage so we don't question any of that to blue the existing order is good so it must be reinforced to blue codes of conduct are based on an eternal order within the cosmos the entire cosmos revolves around man and not just man but my race and my civilization God has designed the entire universe for my civilization to be at the top to rule everybody including all the animals all the lesser races all the minorities all the women and all the children this is patriarchy you are patriarchal rule blue never questions authority elders or teachers because they are carriers of the truth blue loves laws regulations and discipline building character blue enforces laws and order because otherwise we will get chaos and anarchy blue is reacting against chaos and anarchy blue sees himself as bringing order to the chaos so blue sees himself as civilizing the heathens the pagans the barbarians and the savages those are not at the same level as he is they're all below him blues the rise of civilization the rise of cities the rise of empires the rise of laws of codes of law and of monotheism for blue reality is strictly objective blue has high rigidity low open-mindedness and high dogma right and wrong are absolute they are not social constructs cultural traditions and values are also absolutes they are not social constructs they are not arbitrary for blue blue sees the world very much in black and white it's clear what's right it's clear what's wrong it's clear what's good it's clear what's evil and blue has a very strong sense of objective good and evil and he will call out the evildoers and the sinners for blue knowledge is set down in enduring form on stone tablets and scriptures which are revered and placed into temples and preserved for hundreds of years and they are worshipped blue takes a very strict and literal approach to the interpretation of religious texts blue almost always has a holy book or holy scripture like the Bible to Torah the Koran the Vedas the Gita and there is only one interpretation the literal interpretation so if the Bible says that you need to stone homosexuals that's exactly what they deserve because that's the Word of God and if the Bible says that the earth is 5,000 years old that's precisely how old it is because that's the most literal interpretation there are no fuzzy interpretations there are no multiple interpretations you don't have one scholar saying this and those gone no it's just black and white there's no room for variance in interpretation there's no metaphors it literally happened Jesus was literally born to a virgin that's not a metaphor that literally happened blue defense doctrine against heresy and corruption because blue thinks that his Bible or his worldview is the absolute that means any deviation from that is gonna be a corrupt influence of the devil and so of course the enemy of blue is the devil so he's always fighting against the devil and of course that means he has to look out for heretics the heretics are those who try to make clever interpretations of the Bible non literal interpretations blue is really just a congregation of believers that's what the civilization or society is about blue invokes almost always in a anthropomorphic father figure God God is not pantheistic God is not disembodied God is a bearded man in the clouds just like it's depicted in our books just like it's depicted in the Sistine Chapel in our temples God is a human because I'm human so of course I am made in the image of God blugh believes that there is a higher power and that this higher power wants us to win God is interested in the survival of my team of my culture and my civilization God is on my side God is blessing my war my holy war has been blessed by God and ultimate judgment awaits to those who do not obey God rewards will come to the faithful and justice will come to the wicked the rewards will be sweet and heavenly and the punishments to the wicked will be hellish so we have the notions of heaven and hell and heaven in hell of course to blue they're not metaphors they're not stories and myths they're not parables to teach you morals they are literally there you're either gonna go to heaven or you're gonna go to hell and if you go to hell you're gonna be stuck with pitchforks for eternity that's literally going to happen in blues opinion blue is sacrificing himself for his civilization and for God blue believes that evil must be stamped out because ultimately God is in a battle against the devil that's the higher game being played here blue is careful not to be a sinner and blue is extremely judgmental of sinners very very judgemental sinners must be punished they must be called out as evildoers and they must be exterminated without compassion because they are Devils they are servants of the devil literally blue is all about the rightful exercise of just authority and how do you know that authority is just because that's whoever is the leader of our civilization and ultimately he's a servant of God so the reason you know that your authority is just and the reason why your war is holy is because ultimately it's all happening in the name of God so the Crusades for example are good and we need to crusade for goodness all around the world and of course we to spread the word of God and the might of our civilization all around the world we need to civilize all those barbarians and heathens who haven't awoken to the one true faith blue rejects multiculturalism there's no such notion it's like oh that culture is is just as good as my culture no my culture is obviously the best culture other cultures and peoples are inferior they're not just different they're inferior they're lower on God's ultimate hierarchy and whatever gods those other people believe in those are false gods that's idol worship and so we need to destroy their holy books need to destroy all their statues and images of all their false gods because obviously that's devil worship in blues eyes in blues eyes foreigners animals and plants and mother nature largely exists to serve blue to serve mankind to serve this one true civilization so they can all be exploited blue fears excommunication because his whole sense of purpose and meaning is being part of this community so if he's kicked out of this community he's excommunicated from his church that's gonna be like a life and death situation for for blue blue believes in rules rights and duties to him these are very significant and blue is all about building empires and kingdoms that's what this whole set of values and characteristics is ultimately kind of geared towards all right so let's get to some examples of blue I got a lot of examples I'm going to run through them really quickly here and of course with some of these examples I'm over generalizing you understand that I'm sort of taking blue and I'm distilling it down to its essence so not always will blue be a hundred percent blue cranked up you know to the maximum it could be 50 percent blue 75% blue you know blue can have different intensities you could have a very deep dark color blue or you could have a kind of a light pale blue and that of course depends kind of where where you and your civilization your culture are in their evolutionary arc so here's some examples of blue the Middle East today although there's also a lot of orange in the Middle East these days but still many elements of the Middle East many countries or many segments of those countries are still heavily heavily blue they're very kind of traditional Palestinians Zionists Saudi Arabia is a good example of blue although also in Saudi Arabia you see some some emergence of orange a sort of a business culture and it's interesting to see how the blue and the orange are kind of like it's in a transition phase you can actually see Saudi Arabia going through this transition where it was very strongly blue let's say fifty or hundred years ago and now it's becoming more and more orange and some of the reforms that are happening now in Saudi Arabia like this year they're allowing women for the first time ever in their history to actually get driver's licenses and drive cars so that's blue involves starting to evolve into Orange although there's still many segments within Saudi Arabia who believe that now of course this is a corruption see the way they see that they say all women are driving no that's the work of the devil you're disturbing our status quo so of course they are going to fight against that because they see it as a corruption medieval Europe is a really good prototypical example of blue elements within Iran Pakistan the Indian caste system Puritanism Confucian China Islamic fundamentalism mohab ism Hasidic judah's Judaism the Salvation Army patriotism standing up for the national anthem what is that brouhaha all about that's pure blue blue wants to defend the national anthem Zen monasteries are very heavily blue Catholic Church evangelicals the religious right wing in America conservatives Republicans tend to skew heavily blue the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Sharia law banning birth control banning abortion banning flag burning these are all blue style moves building border walls that's a blue move anti-immigration witch trials Crusades Roy Moore is a really good example of someone who's stuck in in stage blue he actually got he was a judge he got kicked out of his judgeship because he wanted to post the Ten Commandments on on the wall in the courthouse or in his office I never get exactly where so if you notice what was happening with the Roy Moore brouhaha earlier this year or last year it was you see that that that's a battle with stage stage blue right there the all right skews heavily blue neo-nazis white supremacist KKK what is this this is heavily staged blue Noah's Ark when lead when red literally that sage blue the Ten Commandments a stage blue uniforms Catholic nuns the Amish the shakers the Bible Belt in America the moral majority Newt Gingrich Bill O'Reilly Billy Graham the Reverend Jerry Falwell James Dobson Pat Robertson George W Bush Mike so Mike Pence is a really good example of stage blue you can see it even in his body posture the way he holds himself this sort of anal-retentive a disciplinarian manner in which he carries himself just prototypical stage blue gate conversion therapy that's a stage blue initiative kamikaze pilots the samurai code harakiri cutting your stomach open out of Honor the way the Japanese samurai did the marathon monks of Mount Hiei which I talked about they're very big into discipline Hindu religion Hindu family the Islamic family it's very blue Mormons tend to skew very blue creationism of course is a is a blue creation the war on Christmas that the Conservatives are always railing about that's a blue thing Glenn Beck Rush Limbaugh Alex Jones Bill O'Reilly these sort of talk show conservative speakers who are always ranting about the degradation of culture and the corruption of the moral fabric of America the sort of stuff this is pure blue fox news is your blue second amendment mandatory military service codes of Honor virginity pledges nationalism Victorian England military families oftentimes police officers and firefighters and blue-collar workers tend to skew heavily blue did they have to be very kind of traditionalist and they have a strong sense of of justice and authority Nazi managers and generals or very blue have you watched the movie Starship Troopers the ethos behind Starship Troopers is very blue religious terrorism happens when blue goes to its most extreme excesses the Spanish Inquisition is blue Tyrael ISM missionaries Spanish conquistadors Magellan the Hari Krishna's when a soldier jumps on a grenade that's a very blue move take one for the team theocracy is blue prayer in school communist China the colonial South Imperial Japan patriarchy culture Warriors TV of Evangelicals Bible school colonial duels like in the South when people used to duel each other out of a sense of honour malice China 20th century Marxism holy war battles over holy ground like you see happening in in Israel grand cathedrals and temples and mosques these are creations of blue protecting the children from Sexual corruption or moral corruption preventing children for example from wearing makeup that's a blue move killing apostates is the blue move imprisoning homosexual unequal women's rights prayer in school the sanctity of marriage the Japanese tea ceremony these are all examples of blue here are some statistics about blue which are interesting about 40 percent of the adult global population is blue and about 30% of the total influenced cultural and social influence in the world is dominated by blue so it's a pretty large chunk of the world population still if you live in a Western democracy like in Europe or in America and you're relatively well-educated then you have a tendency of under estimating how blue the world is you might even have a tendency of under estimating how blue your country is like if you live in New York or in California then you have a hard time understanding just how blue middle america is rural america and of course don't confuse this with the color blue for democrats now but this is what you see when you look at the political map you see that the the east and west coast of the united states is is heavily democratic and in the middle of the country is pretty much all republican and conservative and then the east and west coast can't fathom why is the middle of the country so backwards it's not per se that they're backwards it's just that you haven't really fathom how much of the world is still at this stage of evolution in their consciousness and in their psyche where they are deeply blue the style of government that comes with blue thinking is authority structures order driven hmm hierarchies theocracies and empires what triggers blue what pushes blues buttons well this is very easy it's very easy to trigger blue in fact it's pretty much easy to treat her almost every single stage if you know what their trigger points are which I will tell you right now we have to be careful promise not to abuse this these trigger points I'm telling you so that you can become conscious of how you yourself become triggered not so that you can weaponize these and go attack blue people attacking their weaknesses all right so let's out for that in a in a nutshell what triggers blue is stage red stage orange stage green and stage yellow it's basically all the surrounding stages that are not blue which are triggering blue and you'll have a better sense of that once you watch my future episodes about the other stages relativism and not knowing uncertainty really triggers blue atheism secular and skepticism really triggers blue because it goes against the heart the heart of their whole philosophy which is a absolute truth calls that into question calls all their ideologies into question for blue this is deeply disturbing and unsettling it's threatening to them it's an existential threat to them you're not just playing with ideas you're playing with their whole sense of reality which is why they will resist you oftentimes to the death also they are triggered by intellectuals academic elites and post-modernism you want a really triggered blue start talking to him about Jacques Derrida you're gonna drive them up the [ __ ] wall blue is triggered by Obama Barack Obama why did the Republicans and conservatives so dislike Obama why did the Christian evangelicals so dislike Obama because Obama in their mind represents this sort of intellectual overly academic overly strategic sort of philosophical relativistic complex thinking kind of like worldly individual who actually is multicultural cares about different cultures cares about considering values of different societies like no for blue this is this is treason Obama is a traitor to them that's why they don't like him fundamentally it doesn't matter what Obama does it's the fact that what he represents is he represents the sort of gray scale complex thinking and diplomacy around the world which is anathema to blue blues thinking is black and white thinking it's patriotism and Obama wasn't a blind Patriot Obama was deferential to different cultures and different needs of different nations and so he says he's sort of a complex strategic negotiator this does not flow I in blue that makes them seem soft it makes him seem like a socialist and makes him seem like a like a European because really Obama was sort of in the green stage and so blue is reacting really heavily against green and that's generally what's happening within American culture and politics right now is you see a clash between blue and green and between orange and green and people are really resisting green and of course they're gonna resist the idea that they're resistant Green because what I'm saying here makes it sound as though Obama is above Green is above blue and it's true it is above but you have to be careful not to think of it as like better than it's not better than it's just evolution you know it's not like the dinosaurs were worse than today's Birds evolution is not about being better or worse than previous species it's about how well do you fit into your environment and your environments always changing and also it's um you can't judge it too much because the way evolution works that you have to go through the intermediary steps to get to the next level steps you can't just skip around so you can't really blame blue for being blue and you can't blame green for being green because they have to be that way because that's how life unfolds what else triggers blue space cadets philosophers and free thinkers hippies free sex drugs rock and roll rap music materialism hedonism and unabashed sinning so those people who just kind of go around and you know they they're gluttons they just indulge themselves with sex and food and and money and wealth this this is gonna or blue because blue wants to sacrifice that for the greater civilization that's blue reacting against orange moral corruption triggers blue change to the traditional status quo triggers blue changing things just for the sake of changing things progressivism this triggers blue lawlessness chaos disorder and anarchy triggers blue when people are breaking the rules that triggers blue when justice is not served to the sinners when sinners get away with their sins that really triggers blue lack of hierarchy triggers blue terrorism triggers blue because terrorism represents sort of the pinnacle of chaos and disorder and anarchy and the devil because terrorism really stems kind of from from from either very low blue or kind of a high orange but that not high orange but a high red a high red stage multiculturalism and globalism trigger blue excessive selfishness and egotism people who are not willing to sacrifice for the team or for one civilization that triggers blue disrespect for the status quo like disrespecting the flag breaking agreements and disloyalty to their civilization that's huge blue is very sensitive to traitors and a traitor is basically anyone who betrays the culture that blue was indoctrinated into blue is triggered by questioning of existing orthodoxy so when someone opens a Bible and starts to say oh let's let's think about how we could reinterpret the Bible in different ways for modern times that totally triggers blue because to blue there's no such thing as reinterpreting the Bible for modern times blue doesn't really believe in evolution for blue reality is stat the truth is static it's clear it's black and white so you don't question orthodoxy you just follow it with discipline and for the same reason blue is triggered by people who question classic social roles so when stage green starts to question gender roles racial roles the roles of females in the household this sorts of stuff women in the workplace this is all disturbing the applecart changing the status quo trying to change the culture and blue perceived this as an existential threat he sees this as corruption of the culture not a progress not evolution but corruption Bleu is triggered by heresy sacrilege and blasphemy so sometimes you will see people under my video saying leo I love your videos I love this let me talk about but I wish you wouldn't say [ __ ] so much and they get sort of offended by that so that's sort of a blue a blue sensitivity because blue wants to keep this sort of appearance of order and propriety and kind of like honor and decency of course what actually goes on behind the ski the the scenes in Blues closet well that's often a different story blue is triggered by science encroaching on religion for blue science is it's okay it's tolerated but only so long as it doesn't encroach upon religious territory when science starts to find contradictions in the Bible or when science starts to dictate public policy and when science is taught in school but prayer is not allowed in school this really upsets blue because in blues mind religion is the most important thing because it's it's it's the closest thing to God the highest authority figure and so science is kind of getting in the way of that and so blue is very sensitive to the sort of secularization of society which is happening in America and all over the world these days let's talk about some of the unhealthy manifestations and excesses of blue so even though I said that blue is not good or bad nor is any other stage what you have to understand is that all of these stages can be taken to their extremes and can become unhealthy and toxic and dysfunctional because life is all about finding the right balance and harmony and so when you go too much into this direction of blue it can become very dangerous and very toxic as as I'll mention here in a minute but also you have to understand that just because blue has all of these toxic elements does not automatically mean that blue people are somehow automatically violent or evil most people who are deeply blue are decent hard-working loyal kind individuals most of the time but when it gets excessive and you get a sort of mob mentality and you have an entire civilization of blue and it sort of creates this echo chamber then you can have all sorts of nasty dangerous excesses so what are some of those well ideology and radical fundamentalism this is a hallmark of blue when it goes to its excess blue becomes so sure and so right so certain of his rightness that he's willing to kill and wage a holy war to do that because when you really believe that your God is the one true right god and that you know his mind you can read his mind and you know his divine plans and that you are now an executor for his divine plans and you are literally fighting the devil well this gives you the perfect system justifications to commit all sorts of crews and evil while at the same time deceiving yourself blue tends to be very closed-minded rigid stubborn and unwilling to evolve even when that evolution is necessary for blue to survive blue will often resist evolving he will be hard and stricken inflexible oftentimes blue will be unloving especially to those people who are not within his encircle who are not part of this tribe blue taken to its success traps the mind in rigid intolerant belief systems belief is confused with the truth blue people tend to be inside the box thinkers so they get stuck within a paradigm and they cannot see the world from any other perspective this becomes very limiting becomes very difficult to grow blue is very prone to mob mentality lynch mobs mobs with pitchforks blue is unable to think about metaphysics which tends to be very limiting especially when it comes to spirituality blue cannot really experience true spirituality because blue is so wrapped up in these rigid belief systems true spirituality is letting go of all your beliefs and blue can't fathom that because Blue has been indoctrinated usually very strongly from birth to a point where it's it's beyond cure Blue is prone to idol worship blue often worships the map rather than the territory worships the statue worships the art in the Cathedral worships the image of Jesus rather than the more abstract values that Jesus taught for example blue is almost constantly under the pressure of guilt because blue is constantly failing to live up to his religious high principles and ideals because the only way you can actually be truly religious and live up to those ideals like the Buddha or Jesus or Muhammad the only way you can do that is actually by shedding your ego and getting rid of all your beliefs but blue is not gonna do that blue is trying to get to Buddha level through self-discipline and following rules and beliefs and scriptures and this is absolutely never going to work so what blue has to do blue has to repress the fact that it's not working and he has to guilt himself and he has to always be walking around and telling himself how he's a sinner and you know why am I so weak why can't I be a better human being well the reason you can't be a better human being cos you have this massive massive ego with this very rigid ideology which of course you're gonna do a lot of selfish stuff you can't just overcome selfishness through lofty ideals and principles that's oftentimes why blue comes off as very hypocritical to the other stages like orange or to green because even though blue professes to be this holy religious person who is above sex and above emotions and above corruption and all of this but in fact blue hasn't actually worked through all of that psychological baggage it's it's it's actually been suppressed and buried very deeply in there and so blue behind the scenes often times engages in all sorts of sexual activity homosexual activity of course all of this is denied and repressed and and hidden it's part of blues shadow and blue is often corrupt and susceptible to gluttony into all all the temptations and that that's why you have these preachers these Emin evangelical preachers who can go there and preach a good thing but then behind closed doors they're having sex with with men and all sorts of stuff like they're having sex with children you know all sorts of stuff like it happens that's right because you're not actually doing real spiritual work you're just indoctrinating yourself with belief systems and you cannot substitute belief systems for a real spiritual purification what needs to happen is that you actually need to start to admit that all of your belief systems and your religious systems that they're they're not doing the job but that is exactly what blue does not want to admit another excess of blue is low tolerance for outsiders and for foreigners this leads to xenophobia blue tends to be very judgmental and very moralizing blue is always looking out for who's a sinner blaming and demonizing sinners but then of course as you're judging everybody else you also judge yourself very harshly as well and so blue is again in this constant state of guilt blaming himself for all the sin that he's done and therefore he lives a pretty miserable life below the surface bluest prone to demonization because blue really believes in a true good and evil as being objective he actually believes that certain people are demons Nazis or demons Islamic radicals are demons Devils certain countries like the axis of evil of George W Bush North Korea Iran Iraq these are the evil doers this they serve Satan that's what they actually believe so there's this tendency to demonize other people and to not be open to seeing the world from their perspective because that would open the floodgates or relativism and as soon as you open the floodgates for relativism that's like opening Pandora's box and now all the sudden all of Blues beliefs they all or threatened and that becomes very scary for blue-blue loves to assign blame blue loves crusading holy wars and these holy wars can become very violent and dangerous blue becomes easily self-righteous blue can become a martyr and other people can rally around these martyrs that starts a whole movement starts a new holy war lots of violence all the name of the martyr classic stage blue type of behavior blue can easily justify cruelty with Scripture blue will use the scriptures unwittingly unconsciously to actually justify his egoic fears and insecurities and just basically he turns the scriptures into a system of justifications for his ego which can become very dangerous battles of the civilizations like East versus the Middle East or I mean West versus the Middle East or West versus East these sorts of conflicts these civilization wide conflicts or white Europeans versus the Native American savages these sorts of conflicts often come from stage blue you have a clash of civilizations when blue becomes very excessive it becomes close to progress and to new technology all throughout human history you see how blue civilization has resisted certain technological developments whether it was the printing press or whether it was mmm innovations within science new scientific theories or invention of birth control condoms cloning genetic modifications there's all sorts of stuff media technology is like radio television this stuff was all resistant before blue finally came to accept it in its excess blue denies science and blue denies reason in a sexist blue can do a lot of puritanical censorship like censoring television radio against bad words against nudity the sorts of stuff because blues not comfortable with that that's seen as a corrupting influence blue can be unable to let loose and have fun because blue is so anal blue is often sexually repressed blue is conflicted very conflicted about sexuality because his religion tells him that sexuality is evil it's a corrupting influence and at the same time blue has he's strong just animal urges and so how does he reconcile those two that's very difficult usually it's it's all hidden under the rug and so it's done behind closed doors with skeletons in your closet with a lot of justification and guilt blue will often prohibit sexual education and birth control because sexuality needs to be controlled and repressed blues that's why blue is against marriage before sex that's why blue values virginity so highly in its excess blue often lacks empathy for other civilizations and people's it fails to see the commonality that all humans face blue has a lack of intellectual curiosity about the world very often blue of course is closed off to mysticism and non-duality even though mysticism and non-duality is the core of blues religion what blue doesn't understand is that his religion and his Messiah like the Buddha or Christ or Muhammad that they were full-blown non-dual mystics they were not blue they were wave more evolved than blue but of course blue doesn't understand this because blue takes spirituality literally and so the deep irony is that even though blue is very religious on the surface it's only the surface deep down blue is not really religious or spiritual at all it's just the opposite what blue engages in is a sort of material spirituality not true spirituality because blue sees everything within the spiritual world as physical heaven and hell' these are real physical places God is a real physical human being living up in the clouds the devil is a real creature with with horns and a pointy tail and a pitchfork literally these are not metaphors to blue and so therefore blue is closed off to enlightenment and if blue ever does become enlightened through accident for example some monks do it that way they pray so much they accidentally become enlightened but then they're terrified of it because what they discover is that enlightenment means that everything is completely relative it's all a hallucination and it's it's infinite and it's nothing reality is nothing that there really is no God God has no form and no substance and that completely terrifies the stage blue mystic or believer because everything he's been taught was the opposite of that so that's because blue is closed off to mysticism and non-duality he's gonna burn witches he's gonna be fearful of anything supernatural he's gonna suppress all of that because for blue religion is about belief it's not about having mystical experiences generally speaking there are exceptions you have evangelicals for example who will undergo certain religious experiences or mystical experiences but then usually what they do is they they they reinterpret those experiences to support their old ideologies which is the wrong way to go about it blue taking to its excess is anti multicultural which tends to be problem anti-globalist which tends to be a problem because our world is becoming more multicultural it's becoming more of a mixing pot more interconnected with the internet and with airplane travel and all of this it's becoming more global economically and you're not gonna stop any of that you're not gonna stop evolution from happening you're not gonna stop progress from happening so because blue is so rigid it tends to stick its heels into them into the mud and it has to be dragged forward by progress and evolution which can be frustrating to the other stages other people have to do that blue can have a lot of repressed anger blue tends to be homophobic racist and misogynistic blue taken to a success can be oppressive to minorities sometimes viciously so blue reads sacred texts way too literally so he doesn't really understand true mysticism and spirituality blues prone to black and white thinking which tends to not work so well in a complex grayscale world blue is prone to us versus them thinking dividing people into these rigid in-groups and out-groups blue tends to not have enough understanding and compassion for the weaknesses and frailties of other people which is why for example in blue societies and cultures there's not really good support systems for drug addiction for sex addiction porn addiction this sorts of stuff because blue sees that as sin and so you don't support sin you don't help people who are sinners what you do is that you you blame them and you maybe you put them in jail maybe you punish them but you don't you don't have compassion for sinners in excess blue often is very strict with children the way children are raised and children are never really allowed to be children because all these perfectionistic standards are placed upon children to be good and not to be sinful and then the children grow up also becoming anal retentive just like their parents who are and they never feel like they're good enough and so they're constantly living with guilt and with shame participate disappointing their parents and then of course they teach that to their own children blue in its excess is unable to see the commonality between all cultures and between all religions blue thinks that each religion is really different when in fact they're all basically talking about exactly the same thing just with different window-dressing blue can be excessively bureaucratic blue can be excessively theocratic where the government starts to dictate what you should believe blue does not believe in separation of church and state because that's a betrayal of the absolute truth a betrayal of God God the state is supposed to be serving God see that leads to theocracy Bleu is prone to authoritarianism in its excesses nationalism and communism and this is something that a lot of people misunderstand this is why this model can be so helpful spiral dynamics is because people think that oh but nationalism and patriotism is the opposite of communism no it's not it's the same exact mentality just different content the structure is the same communism as it was practiced in the Soviet Union and in China not today's China but China maybe 50 or hundred years ago like the old school original communism that was not staged Green these were not hippies these were not progressives the original Communists and Marxist were not progressive at all they were deeply blue so the difference between ideological capitalists and communists and nationalists is much less than most people think keep that mind it's very useful to know because actually those people for example a lot of conservatives in America a lot of the conservative religious right in America and the alt-right they're they're more are their arch enemy is communism right progressivism liberalism and communism as they see it socialism but that's really a mistake because what they're not noticing is they're not noticing that it's there they're blue style of thinking which actually leads to the kind of communism and socialism which they cite as being the greatest evil because what do they do they look back 100 years into Soviet Russia and the sort of sub is they all look that's that's what's really bad we don't want America to turn like that right but America is never going to turn like that because America is already evolving into orange and green it's already way beyond that actually the closest thing in America to the old suit old-school-style communism and Marxism that these blue thinkers are afraid of is themselves which of course is why they are so triggered by this stuff it's not an accident they're triggered by it because they're actually not accepting the fact that the religious right in America has a lot more in common with the theocracy of Iran and the the theocracy of Sharia law in the Middle East and Saudi Arabia and also the sort of ideological Marxism that took place in the Soviet Union then it does with the soy drinking West Coast liberal progressives and also with Nazis you know there's a lot more in common with Nazis and with the religious right than there is with the soy trinken progressives and that's of course why stage blue people when you talk to stage blue people about studying Hitler and studying knots Nazism and tried learn the lessons there they never want to go there they never want to actually study the lessons in history from Nazism or from theocratic countries they don't want to see these commonalities because to see these commonalities is to admit that you yourself and your entire worldview is very closely aligned to that and only a few things need to change a few circumstances and then what you'll have is you'll have a recurrence of nationalism and of Nazism very easily so when people these days in America are sort of surprised and shocked that oh how can America be going all right and how can America be having these sorts of authoritarian tendencies no it's it's not shocking at all it's completely understandable when you understand that a large part of America is stage blue it's completely understandable but you can only understand that when you really understand the spiral dynamics model very deeply and perhaps the worst excesses of blue is genocide and ethnic cleansing that's what happens when blue gets taken to its to its pinnacle of excess and you can see that happening all around the world in stage blue societies here are some slogans that epitomize the stage blue mentality God gave us this land this is the way God intended it to be they will be punished in the name of Jesus make America great again a revival of traditional values say what you do and do what you say just stick to the rules actions speak louder than words honesty is the best policy better safe than sorry take one for the team and blood and soil all of these slogans are the heart of blue thinking and that's why when they are said if the people who are in the audience and they are stage blue they will completely resonate and love these slogans and all the other stages will probably hate these slogans and see all the limitations and problems with these types of slogans now let's talk about how to transcend blue perhaps most importantly is to read very deeply about stage blue not just what I said here this is a beginning point but you need to actually read about it familiarize yourself with the stage you are at as you read about yourself that gives you self awareness and you start to see the limitations of your own worldview also read and depth about stage orange which is the next stage that you should be moving into it's helpful to read about your stage and also the next maybe one or two stages ahead of you because then you can see the things that you're resisting in the stage you've got to be moving up to the thing that's keeping you in blue if you're stuck in blue is that you're resisting orange and you're resisting green sea so what's keeping for example a lot of the Middle East stuck in stage blue is people who are indoctrinated into these Islamic ideologies that are sort of very archaic and medieval they look at the West and they look at the moral corruption and decadence of the West all the materialism all the all the money and the sex and and and the the freedom that woman's have and all this homosexuality is normalized all this and they see that as a threat to to solid blue and so of course they are resisting moving into orange but what they don't realize is that if they read about orange some more and also green they would realize Oh orange is what I should be aspiring to yes there are excesses to orange but I will pass over those and those will get corrected over time the mistake is too retreat back into blue another really important thing for blue in order to transcend itself is to stop judging orange and especially green and yellow stop judging the hippies and the liberals and the progressives stop judging the intellectuals and the elites and the globalists this is really damaging as long as you're judging others with these sorts of labels you're never going to be able to evolve to that level and beyond that level stop judging materialism and success stop judging sexuality stop judging relativism stop judging post-modernism this is really holding you back you might say Oh leo but what about all the excesses of liberals and hippies and post modernists and the axis of excesses of sexuality what about the excesses yes there are excesses at every stage the trap is to become overly focused on the excesses to the point where you're paralyzed and now you're stuck in your stage that's happening because of fear judgement is happening because of fear you're refusing to accept reality you're refusing to accept how human consciousness and the human psyche evolves because you want to cling to your comfort zone and I understand that and every stage basically does that to a certain degree I'm just pointing out how to transcend if you really want to grow if you really want to self actualize follow what I'm saying here stop judging all this stuff stop judging mysticism stop judging New Age spirituality stop judging moral depravity stop judging evil sinful people in fact eliminate the notion of evil altogether eliminate the notion of the devil that's very important for blue because blue is so stuck with moralizing your moralizing is killing you every time you moralize to somebody else you're also moralizing to yourself and it's slowly drowning you in guilt and it's preventing you from being able to overcome your own inner weaknesses and demons limitations so long as you judge the inner demons of others you will also be judging and being stuck with your own inner demons also to transcend Bloo stop clinging to tradition let it go notice that everything evolves notice that all traditions die there has not been a single tradition which has survived uninvolved and unchanged for the last 2,000 years everything is evolved the Bible has evolved language has evolved countries have evolved religions have evolved everything has evolved Christianity today is nothing like Christianity of 2,000 years ago Islam of today is nothing like Islam 1,000 years ago etc etc etc you cannot cling to anything there's really no security in materiality which is something that blue doesn't want to accept also to help you transcend become more skeptical and start thinking independent for yourself it's is very important for blue because blue is so stuck thinking along the the programmed lines that he's been indoctrinated with start to question all authority certain notice that authority is often wrong start to notice that authority is often abused therefore you need to become your own Authority start to notice the limitations of religion start to notice that the things that religion preaches it itself often cannot actually embody and actualize that should be a clue or a hint to you that the way religion is trying to do it is not going to work there are much more effective ways at practicing spirituality than religion start to notice abuses of the church like the all the sexual scandals and all the hypocrisy that that within the church all the corruption that's there notice that actually the devil has infiltrated the church and your holy book and your religion and your culture long long long long ago such that he has perverted it and turned it inside out such that now when you're following the religious teachings of your of your culture actually most often you're just being a servant of the devil just don't you notice that notice that beliefs can be extremely self deceptive and that belief is not equivalent to truth and to reality reality is much larger than belief itself you can never capture reality within a system of beliefs notice that all beliefs are ultimately false creations of the human mind and they are relative and that beliefs basically just serve the ego they serve the devil start to be iconoclastic and rebellious start to notice the limitations of judgments and moralism notice that when you're judging others you're simultaneously judging yourself and see how that's hurting you start to acknowledge that reality is more relative than you ever thought that this notion of absolute truth may be it doesn't exist at all start to acknowledge that start to acknowledge that good and evil do not exist start to see that what you call evil somebody else calls good and what you call good somebody else calls evil that depends on your ego and what its agenda is start to question whether God exists at all start to question what God is start to question your religion and your culture start to question your culture's exceptionalism if you're blue you think your culture is the best start to notice that there are many other cultures which are equally great if not better and to help you with that go visit other countries other cultures do a lot of traveling eat exotic food that you would normally never eat break your cultures conventions start to notice how arbitrary culture is start to notice cultural relativity start to notice how the hierarchy of your civilization is repressive and how it hurts other people especially minorities try to put yourself in the shoes of the minorities who are victims of the hierarchy of your caste system or of your culture put yourself if you're a man like if you're a white Christian male put yourself into the shoes of a black woman or put yourself into the shoes of a gay transgender person and try to think of what would my life be like if I was like that rather than a white Christian guy how would the hierarchy that I'm in be mmm prejudicial against me acknowledge the commonality of all people notice that all people regardless of their race regardless of their gender or whatever beliefs they hold all people are basically just people none are better than any other acknowledge the validity of other religions notice that it's more fun to be independent rather than to be reliant on a culture or society start to read self-help books about success Tony Robbins style stuff stop being an anal rule keeper relax your rules don't be so disciplined develop a thirst for personal success that's what's going to move you into orange start to have a desire to climb the hierarchy and become the best and to achieve something of yourself something material not religious notice that separation of church and state is a good thing secular society is actually a good thing it's good that you don't live in a theocracy start to study history and the abuses that you find in history of stage Bleu study the Nazis study Hitler study communism study Marxism in all its different forms and notice that that's all blue study the Crusades study the Spanish conquistadors who butchered and murdered savages or what they called savages in the new world start to see the the enslavement of other races that has happened throughout human history start to see all those evils and abuses the cruelty of all of that and how that's all enforced by these staged blue ways of thinking that will really open your eyes read lots of diverse books start to become a real student for yourself don't just blindly accept what your culture tells you read and research for yourself read loss of different perspectives read perspectives from from minorities and from women and from different cultures and from this and that so you get a much broader view than just your little circle the problem with stage blue is that stage blue surrounds itself with just stage blue and it just lives within a bubble of stage blue and it doesn't see anything beyond that it's not exposed to two different opinions and perspectives go to a diverse University and you will see this diversity of perspectives and cultures start to study science that will move you into Orange practice radical open-mindedness as I talked about in some of my episodes notice that reality is much more complex than nuanced and that black-and-white thinking doesn't work very well embrace your feminine side stage blue is terrible at embracing his feminine side acknowledge that humans are not superior to animals acknowledge that men are not superior to women acknowledge that whites are not superior to any other minorities and finally the master key for transcending any stage including stage blue is contemplation and self-reflection sit down think all of this through study it take notes ruminate upon it reflect on your own behaviors connect it with human history that you learned through all your reading and that should shift you into the next stage which for you would be orange so that's blue basically in a lot of detail in conclusion I want to stress that you be very careful about abusing the information that I'm teaching to you here it's very easy it's very easy to start to stereotype people and to demonize people you can look around and say oh look at that blue person and dab blue country and that blue business and now blue church and that blue organization look at how bad they are and how evil they are look they're gonna become Communists and Nazis and this and that be very careful about that I've talked about the excesses of blue but you have to remember that most blue people are not fanatics and these excesses come out sometimes but oftentimes not the majority of the time they don't show up the majority of blue people are just decent hard-working blue-collar you know your typical church-going grandma type of lady you know she's probably not a neo-nazi so be careful with these stereotypes and demonizing others if you start stereotyping and judging and demonizing and moralizing too much using spiral dynamics as your weapon then what are you doing you're just actually taking what I taught you here and you're entrenching yourself in stage blue and now you're acting it out that's not the intent of this teaching the intent of this teaching is to have you go Mehta to see the world from up from much higher perspective remember that blue is not good nor is it bad also remember that people fit into multiple stages people are not simple and this spiral dynamics model is not meant to be a simple model it's not like a person is either blue or orange or green and nothing else it's not an either/or most of the time because people are complicated and they're evolving they're always evolving whether they know it or not they are usually somewhere in between and they're usually somewhat of a mixture of things same thing with countries very few countries are strictly blue you might say Saudi Arabia's strictly blue no it's not certain elements within Saudi Arabia are very blue but certain elements are very orange a lot of the Middle East you might say the entire Middle East is blue no it's not that's very simplistic that's way too simplistic you need to see that in the Middle East in countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia and then you have countries like Dubai which is very orange right you have you have you have various mixes so these countries can be like 50% blue 50% orange or 75% blue 25% or vice versus 20 75% orange 25% blue right you have different mixes and human beings in visually can also be like that and it doesn't just have to be blue and orange it can also have a little mixture of green in there and even maybe a little mixture of red in there so it's complicated it's like a painting right different colors but you can still look at a painting and just kind of eyeball and say well this painting yes it's got a bunch of colors in it but basically it's an orange painting or it's basically a blue painting or it's it's 50% blue 50% orange you can kind of eyeball it right it's a model we're oversimplifying reality here that's the point of models is to oversimplify it's to generalize and be careful not to confuse the model for the territory models are limited spiral dynamics should not be your only tool for understanding politics and societies and governments and individuals it's just one tool in your tool belt recognize it has its limits and you will notice them as you start to apply this model your start to notice these limits so acknowledge that if anything here that I said kind of triggers you and you disagree with it remember I might have said something here that offends you because you are in stage blue and maybe you feel like I have mischaracterized stage blue no I didn't I tried to be very fair and objective here just notice that the biggest impediment to growing to new stages is resistance denial and ego the ego is trying to maintain homeostasis the ego is trying to keep itself at blue if you were in blue it doesn't want to evolve this is not exclusive to blue this is true of orange this is also true of green it's also true of yellow stages do not want to evolve they're stubborn blue is especially stubborn but they're all pretty stubborn they're all egotistical in their own unique ways so the best thing you can do is just stop judging stop judging the model stop judging yourself stop judging other people and notice that you've got some inner work to do judging is not inner work judging is distraction the inner work is the contemplation self-reflection it's the studying of all this of its thinking about it it's analyzing your own behaviors and noticing like oh yeah I'm a part of this organization here I'm a part of this online forum here and that's a very blue influence on my life and if I want to evolve to orange maybe I should leave that forum stuff like that that's where the real growth happens remember you're gonna have to evolve through blue you can't just escape blue you can't skip blue you can't wish it away be honest about where you are if you're at blue admit that you're at blue admit these limitations become aware of them bring them out into the light of consciousness rather than stuffing them under the rug into the shadows and notice that you're gonna have to evolve into a stage Orange and there's probably stuff and stage orange that you don't like that you don't want to evolve into yes that's why it's difficult if that wasn't the case then you would already be at the very top of the whole hierarchy you would be a perfectly evolved human being you would be a Buddha or a Christ and you're not why because you got this massive ego you have all these ideologies all these opinions all these judgments all these fears all these emotions and things you hide and repress all this guilt and shame and and you're very dogmatic and you've been programmed with all these ideas and so now that's that's a lot of stuff to overcome it'll take you years maybe decades to overcome that just to go from blue to orange and that's just one jump and then you're gonna have to go higher and higher and higher about that but we'll talk about that in the next episode so the next episode will be orange alright I'm done here this was a lot of material to cover but this is only 1/6 of everything we need to talk about free to really understand spiral dynamics so I'm out of here please like button for me come also check out actualized org check out my book list check out the life purpose course check out my blog check out the forum and speaking of the book list I updated it recently with 17 new books so go go check those out these books will transform your whole life and make sure that you stick around for the rest of the whole series which will be coming in the future you